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where can i find more alocasias?

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Posted by MR63249 7 Feb 2011 - 1:37:00 PM

I have started collecting alocasias, and now finding it difficult to find anyone who sells them in Australia apart from the plants I already have. Who imports plants to Australia? Ones that I realy like and would be keen on getting are;

Dragon Scale
'Dewey's Reversa'
'New Guinea Gold'

Is there any resources/videos on how to grow these plants through tissue culture and crossbreeding etc?

Comments (3)

Re: EDITOR 9 Feb 2011 - 11:30:00 AM

I'd recommend trying and keeping an eye on ebay because its many fellow collectors don't have to stick to the standard commercial lines of nurseries but offer up off-shoots of rarer things as they become available. And because it's geared to mail order and I'm not sure where you are. Search on colocasia, aroid, elephants ears also - depending how wide you intend to go with your collection.
On a more commercial basis, try,, (probably a bit bashed around by Yasi at the moment).

Re: Re: MR63249 21 Feb 2011 - 10:44:00 AM

Thanks. Tried all those places. Does anyone know how to produce alocasias through plant cell tissue?

Re: Re: 333ZIN 22 Apr 2011 - 4:22:00 AM

I think I saw Nigra at Golden Gates Nsy NSW. No promises. Robert or Danny

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