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formal border plant - not hedge

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Posted by KATE_B 27 Nov 2012 - 7:02:00 PM

I am looking for an ideal plant to use as a garden bed border beneath white Clare Austin roses.

The garden style is relatively formal (colours are greens, whites, mauves, greys, pale pink) and I am after something that is hardy and quick growing. I'd prefer to stay away from box hedges due to the cost to plant this large area and the time of establishment to an effective hedge. I'm open to strappy leaves, but nothing too high or dominating (not aggies).

I'm in Queensland, the soil is dry between watering and doesn't have a lot of water holding capacity (sandy).

Would appreciate any advice!
Thank you,

Comments (2)

Re: AGYG 17 Mar 2013 - 1:06:00 PM

Hi Kate
I'm not sure if you have chosen some plants already, but I quite like my mini Murrayas. They don't require too much clipping as they are naturally dense and seem to take the Perth conditions (including our heat waves this summer) fairly well. They are watered 3 x weekly from a bore and neglected otherwise. Not sure of their frost resistance as we don't get many frosts here. They have the lovely Murraya flower/fragrance, too but don't like being moved too much.
Another suggestion is the Tiny Trev, which my friends have in their garden and doing really well - again naturally dense and not too much clipping.
If you have chosen, i'd be interested to know what you selected and how it's doing.

Re: MILEY 2 Apr 2013 - 4:34:00 PM

Have a look at Lemon n Lime Hebes

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Sweet Jasmine

Plant type: evergreen shrub or twining climber
H: 3m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to warm low sun

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Fast plant facts

Melanie , Woodford NSW
Keep your garden topped up with fresh mulch regularly to help keep water to the plants during the hotter months. Saves watering all the time.


Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo is ideally suited as a lawn in many applications.

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