Scaevola ramosissima |
Plant type: evergreen soft-wooded perennial Hardiness zones: 9-11 Sunlight: hot overhead sun to warm low sun Soil Moisture: dry between watering to constantly moist Soil: ordinary soil, sand, mildly acidic to mildly alkaline Tolerances: moderate wind, second line salt wind, light frost |
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Origins: Australia, NSW, Sydney region region, QLD, VIC Other Botanical Names: Scaevola hispida Other Common Names: | ||||||||
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Plant of the Day
Weevil Lily
Plant type: evergreen stoloniferous soft-wooded perennial
H: 1m W: 1m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light
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Member's Tip
Milena, Blackwood SA
A chook house on wheels. Move them from spot to spot to fertilize the ground, peck out and eat bugs plus areate the soil.
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