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can someone tell me what's wrong with my roses?

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Posted by KAIBEAU 23 Jun 2010 - 4:36:00 PM

Almost all of my lovely rose bushes have been putting on foliage that looks like this. Can someone please tell me what's causing this. It looks awful and all that wasted growth.

Comments (3)

Re: SILENTSHOPPER 15 Jul 2010 - 12:11:00 PM

Hi there Kaibeau, this looks to me like a type of leaf curl problem, caused by a fungal infection. You can remove the infected leaves or/and spray with Kocide blue extra or some sort of garden fungicide that is fine for roses.

Re: Re: KAIBEAU 27 Jul 2010 - 1:25:00 PM

Thanks for your feedback. Was also speaking to a lady at local Bunnings and she thinks it could be Glyphosate overspray. Will definitely try the fungicide though. Thanks...

Re: Re: ROY 27 Oct 2011 - 1:20:00 PM

Hi, I only recently jointed this forum and I too have this problem with my roses and the local nursery, Hargraves, told me the same thing, weed killer overspray from the (over zealous) next door neighbour! It can destroy the flowers too.

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