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looking for issues 1-7 of subtropical gardening

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Posted by SILENTSHOPPER 17 Jul 2010 - 9:32:00 PM

Does anyone know where I can get hold of the back issues no 1 to 7 of Subtropical Gardening Magazine? I have tried the actual website for these items as well as ebay etc to no avail!! I would like to get these for my Mum to complete her collection. CAN ANYONE HELP!

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Gold Dust Wattle

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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Blanket garden beds with mulch between 5-7.5cm deep to retain moisture, insulate roots from temperature fluctuations and suppress weeds.


Palmetto Soft Leaf Buffalo is ideally suited as a lawn in many applications.

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