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Posted by RONNIE 17 Nov 2009 - 10:23:00 AM

Hey guys..... Wanted to share my thoughts regarding a hedge I just created.
Every terrace house on my street has a traditional clipped hedge....Not me! I planted a row of Yucca and a mix of dry style ground covers.
I think it looks fantastic! (Will share a photo with you later) The plants are drought tolerant and maintenance free. The yucca's actually provide a pretty good privacy screen.
Give it it a go.

Comments (2)

Re: CHOOK 8 Feb 2010 - 5:20:00 PM

Would love to see the photo as I am looking to plant a hedge with a difference

Re: CHICK IN THE STICKS 11 Feb 2010 - 5:17:00 PM

That sounds great, I can't wait to see a photo, I'm wanting to plant a hedge thats a little different. I have planted a hedge of old man saltbush & it looks awesome, the foliage looks great next to the green lawn.

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Gold Dust Wattle

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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