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ugly shed

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Posted by PHEENIE 15 Feb 2010 - 2:33:00 PM

Hello all, I am attempting to make a nice garden area out of a very bare backyard. I have planted natives around the fenceline,which are coming along nicely. My big problem is a very ugly steel garage which is too close to the deck and takes up one third of my view from inside the house.I can't get rid of it as I have no other shedding, so I plan to disguise it with climbers.My question to all is do I need to paint the steel before attatching a support to cut down the radiant heat? The shed wall faces north,so gets full sun in a temporate climate. I was thinking of planting one of the hardenbergia varieties. Hope somebody can advise me.

Comments (4)

Re: KISANE 17 Feb 2010 - 10:09:00 PM

Would help to know what part of Aus you are in. One vigorous climber that loves being in a really hot spot is Stephanotis. Another option would be Bougainvillea. I don't think Hardenbergia would do as well, It gets cooked in hot sun in my experience

Re: Re: PHEENIE 2 Mar 2010 - 5:07:00 PM

Thanks kisane, for your feedback. I have considered bougavillea, but don,t know much about stephanotis. I will research to see if it,s suitable. I am in east gippsland in Vic.

Re: Re: SEEDY 12 Apr 2010 - 6:53:00 PM

Hi! you shouldn't need to paint the shed but to be safe just dab a bit onto where you drill into the shed when you attach the support. And how about a Pandorea they are vigorous climbers and look lush. Keep us updated.

Re: Re: GEOLIZ 28 Apr 2010 - 4:03:00 PM

Hi Pheenie, dont know whether you have solved your climber issue but we have just planted Hardenbergias in a few places in our new garden. On wooden fences and metal fences ... they are going gang-busters and we are in south east Melbourne. They are just about to flower and look fantastic. Very happy with the choice and the results.

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H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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