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grevillea 'sap' problem

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Posted by GEOLIZ 21 Apr 2011 - 1:48:00 PM

I have a row of red grevillea olivacae, one of which has a problem. I noticed one side dying and cut it away to reveal a dark coloured sap like substance at the base (my husband calls it jelly). Does anyone know what it might be.

Comments (2)

Re: EDITOR 25 Apr 2011 - 12:26:00 PM

The jelly is most likely to be – or have been – sap, coagulating and possibly even being colonised and transformed by organisms.
It's harder to say with near as much confidence why it was there but it's a symptom in response to some sort of damage: from mechanical injury to baterical infection. Were there any other clues as to what might have started the decline?

Re: Re: GEOLIZ 28 Apr 2011 - 8:46:00 PM

I prune them fairly regularly as I am forming a hedge effect. I did loose one completely about 2 months ago and thought my husband may have sprayed it accidentally. But perhaps now, that wasn't so.

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