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Posted by FRANKF 3 Jul 2011 - 5:03:00 PM

I have 3 Magnolia Little Gem trees across the front of my yard, planted about 18 months ago. The eastern most one is doing very well, the one in the middle has a little less growth, and the one on the western side not doing so well. The conditions seem the same to me. Can anyone suggest what I should do?

Comments (3)

Re: EDITOR 18 Jul 2011 - 10:41:00 AM

Trying to unpick the first question of whether it might be an issue with the stock or with the conditions, the regularity of the transition from east to west suggests it's more likely to be something to do with the conditions.
Maybe the one to the west gets more hot afternoon sun and needs a bit more water than the others. Or maybe it's downhill where water doesn't drain. Either way – and even if it's something else – the problem, or at least a sympton, is often in the soil. Have a poke down around each root ball for clues.

Re: CESNOCK 19 Jul 2011 - 10:46:00 PM

Do you have a large tree growing near by which would inhibat the growth of any newer plants close to it.

Re: MIYACIDLY 5 Aug 2011 - 2:37:00 PM

really,this is areally a big problem,may be you can move them into the indoor,and use the LED grow light instead ot sunshine

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Weevil Lily

Plant type: evergreen stoloniferous soft-wooded perennial
H: 1m W: 1m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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