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no flowers on kangaroo paw

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Posted by LIZWILL 29 Dec 2011 - 2:40:00 PM

I have a few Kangaroo Paws that are all panted in full sun in the same area of the garden. They are all flowering except the only Big Red which has small stunted leaves and no flowers at all. It didn't flower last year but I thought that was because it was its first year. I pruned them all hard in the winter and don't know why this one has not flowered - always thought that Big Red was reliable.

Comments (2)

Re: EVIE01 23 Jan 2012 - 10:25:00 AM

The key to the lack of flowers is probably to find out why the plant is stunted and not growing healthily. Which is strange because it seems to be sharing the same conditions as the others and is a reliable grower as you say. Unlike so many others. Maybe there's something that bit different about it's location: more competition, water/dry, bad stock from the nursery??

Re: Re: TAS TAFE GEORGE 11 Sept 2015 - 10:50:00 AM

the plant is to happy a little stress will set it right reduce water and feed some pottasium /sulphate of pot ash :)

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