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flowering gum tree

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Posted by JAYDEES 7 Feb 2012 - 9:21:00 AM

I have a small flower gum tree (Summer Beauty). I planted it twelve months ago and it recently flowered beautifully, but yesterday I noticed it seemed to be dying. It has been very wet in the area I live recently. Would this be the cause?

Comments (1)

Re: LESLEY1L 2 Mar 2012 - 3:02:00 PM

In my experience some of the grafted Eucalyptus ficifolia cultivars can be a bit tempermental. The excess rain could impede the plants success. Is your Euc in clay or a sandy a soil? This species will grow better in a free draining, sandy soil. Excess rain will definitely affect this Eucs health. But as I said before these grafted Eucs have a tendancy to drop dead. A more vigourous cultivar is Summer Splendour. I've had great success with it. Good luck.

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