site feedback - welcome

community gardens

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Posted by SOIL 15 May 2010 - 3:59:00 PM

Would love to have feedback on other Community Gardens that have worked well. Have found a great site which needs lots of clearing wondering where to start and what size lots, costs, etc. Already have a few interested parties and the council seems happy to offer their support if we do the work.

Comments (2)

Re: EDITOR 25 May 2010 - 11:32:00 AM

Funny you should mention that.
We hope to have more on that very subject coming soon.

Re: Re: JACQUE1 2 Jul 2010 - 2:10:00 PM

We are members of two community gardens, one in the retirement village where we live and another one available to all members of the local community. Both work well and give great pleasure to members although one is more 'ordered' than the other and therefore more enjoyable and productive. Should you wish it I can enlarge on this to give you some idea of how it works.


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Gold Dust Wattle

Plant type: evergreen shrub
H: 2.5m W: 3m
Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light

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Kerry, Cowell SA
Sprinkle fire ash over your roses to keep aphids off.


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