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native ground cover colour combinations

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Posted by RCM 11 Jun 2014 - 9:11:00 PM

I am searching for some native ground covers in different leaf and flower colours to make adjacent bands of colour about 60 cm wide that will be a nice visual effect. So something mainly green, something mainly blue or blue/grey, something yellow, something red or brown and it would be nice to have several different species in each colour band. The plants will be in full north facing sunlight but have adequate irrigation to cope with summer heat, No frost anticipated

Any suggestions appreciated

Comments (1)

Re: EDITOR 17 Jun 2014 - 1:26:00 PM

For blue-grey strappy foliage have a look at Dianella ’Cassa Blue’ and Lomandra ’Savanna Blue’ or ’Aussie Blue Grass’. The flannel flower Actinotus ’Starbright’, Goodenia ’Little Luna’ and prostrate emu bush Eremophila ’Kalbarri Carpet’ are options for grey leaves. There are low, weeping cultivars of Acacia cognata like ’Limelight’ with pale, lime leaves or ’Mini Cog’. Myoporum parvifolium ’Purpureum’ is matting with purple flushed leaves. The dianellas ’Rainbow Twist’ and ’Utopia’ have purple-red and grey tones. Maybe for greens and reds some low grevilleas that don’t spread too far like ’Mt Tamboritha’ or ’Fireworks’ or mass-planted smaller kangaroo paws. Mounding dampieras like ’Blue Moon’ and ’Cobalt Mound’ have bright green leaves and deep blue flowers.

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