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cabbage moth solution

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Posted by FALZIESGARDEN 15 May 2010 - 2:39:00 PM

Recently I have had a few problems with cabbage moths so I asked my mum for some advice. She said get some dried eggshells and scrunch them up, scatter them around the base of the plants that are known cabbage moth prone. The eggshell tricks the moths into thinking that other moths are there and won't lay eggs there. For the existing grubs on any plants, it is easier to go around squashing them with your fingers. If anyone has any other ideas it would be most appreciated.

Comments (1)

Re: SILENTSHOPPER 15 Jul 2010 - 12:40:00 PM

Surround your cabbage plants with onions to repel the moth, also the plant Tansy repels moths as well. Hope this helps.

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