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vitex and clerodenrdon

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Posted by UNKNOWN 9 Aug 2010 - 10:41:00 AM

we r looking for vitex negundo and clerodenrdon inerme and would this grow in melbourne. thank u.

Comments (2)

Re: EDITOR 9 Aug 2010 - 2:47:00 PM

The Vitex grows in the Botanic Gardens in Melbourne. The Friends of the Gardens have plant sales ( and it could be worth asking if they can help.

The Clerodendron would be pushed to its limits but could work in a warm and frost free position. You can put your details in the Plant Selector for more guidance. Try Bullock Creek Nursery wholesales it ( Yuruga lists both plants ( They might be able to help with a local supplier.

Re: Re: DARCY GREEN 15 Mar 2011 - 2:02:00 PM

I was looking for a bunch of the Inerme for a project and couldn't find much at at all. Try Noosa Landcare or Brush Turkey Enterprises

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