Actaea simplex 'Brunette'

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Plant type: herbaceous soft-wooded perennial

Hardiness zones: 3-10

Sunlight: warm low sun

Soil Moisture: constantly moist

Soil: enriched soil, mildly acidic to mildly alkaline

Tolerances: light frost
Plant habit

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Flowers: purple & cream

Flowering Time: early autumn to mid autumn

Leaves: brown-purple
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Tanya, Youngtown TAS
Get chooks! Have fruit trees in the chicken yard. Chickens deal with pests, dropped fruit, providing eggs and manure. They even eat the weeds too!


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Actaea simplex 'Brunette'


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  Plant type: herbaceous soft-wooded perennial

Hardiness zones: 3-10

Sunlight: warm low sun

Soil Moisture: constantly moist

Soil: enriched soil, mildly acidic to mildly alkaline

Tolerances: light frost
Plant habit


Flowers: purple & cream

Flowering Time: early autumn to mid autumn

Leaves: brown-purple


Garden Styles: suits cottage designs

Uses: mass planting, border, soil binding

Growth rate: average

Maintenance Level: average

Skill Level: average
